Even if you normally work with the same partners or crew, who may have contact information for your family, there will be times when you may be working as a last-minute substitute with unfamiliar partners or maybe the limited information your partners have just isn’t enough.  (And, remember, their phones are in some remote locker room, or even locked in the car, just like yours.)

Be prepared with the Sports Officials Emergency Identification Card. This card discreetly and safely keeps your emergency information on your person while you officiate and ready at a moment’s notice. All you need to do is tell your partners you have it in your pocket, line-up card folder, or ball bag.

Our fillable PDF form can be customized with all of your personal and medical information. 

Once printed, it is folded to conceal the private medical and insurance details inside.  Then laminate with any standard business-card size self-laminating pouch or even with simple packing tape to keep everything protected from the elements and safe from prying eyes yet accessible immediately when needed.

The CRAOA provides self-laminating business card pouches to its members through our local meetings.  We would encourage other assocaitions to do the same.  The ID Card is the sizeof a standard business card, so most commercially available business card pouches will work.

Get the Card!
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